In contradiction of Karen Nakamatsu's blatantly perjurous statements to the benefit of her fellow middle-aged female Asian-American "Local" Hawaiian friend Hollydee Gadow, Joseph Safier (one of the parents of David's friends provided the following Letter for the Court.
Joseph H. Safier
201 South Maple Drive
Beverly Hills, California 90212-4013
June 7, 2007
To whom it may concern:
I have known John Hathaway-Bates for over ten years. I met him through his organization, The Business Forum. 1 have attended numerous luncheons coordinated by the Business Forum. J also see him occasionally in the neighborhood since we live nearby. I have always found Jonathan to be professional, personable and gracious.
In addition, both of his sons and my two children attended Beverly Vista School. Currently my son, Jonathan Safier, and David Hathaway-Bates are seventh graders at BV. Jonathan Safier has known David since he started at BV. They are friends and see one another at times after school. David occasionally comes over to our house after school to spend time with Jonathan. Although I do not know David well, my son likes him. Their after school activities at times include skateboarding together. Jonathan (Safier) tells me that David does not attend any after school programs and instead spends most of his time skateboarding.
My son goes to John Hathaway-Bates home anytime he wants to, as David can come to my home anytime he wants to. To my knowledge, any of Matthew's or David's friends arc allowed in John Hathaway-Bates house anytime they would like to go there. And I state that I have never heard of him doing anything to prevent his sons building relationships with their friends. In addition, from my experience, I have seen that John Hathaway-Bates also allows David to go his friend's homes.
My son knows that David's parents are divorced. In addition, David has told my son that he would prefer to be living with his father rather than his mother.
Jonathan Hathaway-Bates shared with me the transcript of the hearing where he lost custody of his son. The many attempts to describe him as an alcoholic to my mind are erroneous. I have never seen him intoxicated in all the ten plus years I have known him.
Please feel free top contact me if you have any questions.