Subj: Re: BHUSD Guidelines
Date: 10/27/2004 11:20:14 AM Pacific Daylight Time
From: [email protected]
The boys needs us to do what is right for them right now. And what is right is that we do what is necessary to keep them in their school district. To that end, we only need to agree to 50/50 joint custody - both legal and physical, and agree on a schedule.
They don't need you to act out and be vengeful. If you insist on having full custody and the "forgiveness" of the past due child-support that you rightfully owe, you will only show to the court, the judge, our boys, our families, and the world that you took this situation and tried to manipulate it - rather than do what is right for the boys.
— Original Message —
From: BizForum@aoi com
Sent: Wednesday, October 27, 2004 11:05 AM
Subject: Re: BHUSD Guidelines
The way I see it is that what the Court ordered for you, you forfeit to me so that our sons may have the lives they should have had from the outset. They live with me. You get to have them four days a month, as I have had to endure since 1998. You now pay me $850 a month, and you can call them between 8:30 and 9:00pm every evening - only, I will make sure that they are by the telephone every evening to take your calls as you never have.
Subj: Re: BHUSD Guidelines
Date: 10/27/2004 12:03:01 PM Pacific Daylight Time
From: [email protected]
Look John,
Despite your fiction below, the boys will not be happy living full-time with you. You are unable to drive them anywhere, and you constantly harp about your "heart problems". If you are not going to sign the papers I sent you, then let me know, and I will report in for work for a half day today. And their school transfers will be on your head, as I know they do not, nor anyone else in the family, want you to have full custody. It is not going to happen, and you should be ashamed of yourself for manipulating this situation.
— Original Message —-
From: [email protected]
Sent: Wednesday, October 27, 2004 11:51 AM
Subject: Re: BHUSD Guidelines
I love my sons Holly - I did not take money for David to go to Page School or the Y, which he never did. I merely want for them to have a life that is what I had with a loving mother and father. You make a lot of soap opera claims - just for once, consider what is good for them. You may have to give up trips to Hawaii and Las Vegas for a while, but at least they will get an education at a good school - rather than having to walk through metal detectors every morning.
Subj: Re: Documents for the Boys Schooling
Date: 10/29/2004 9:59:17 AM Pacific Standard Time
From: [email protected]
Again John, they only need to be with you 50% of the time, which your schedule below does not reflect. I will be going to the schools today to collect their transfer papers if I do not receive some sort of 50/50 schedule from you by 2pm today.
— Original Message ——
From: [email protected]
Sent: Friday, October 29, 2004 9:50 AM
Subject: Re: Documents for the Boys Schooling
I will get the boys into BHSD as I think I am the only one who can do so at this time. We already have Joint Custody - we now merely need to arrange what is good for the boys and their schooling.
Sunday night at 6:30pm they come to me then you collect them again on Friday night at 6:30pm, except for my weekends - the first and third weekend each month.
Subj: Re: Documents for the Boys Schooling
Date: 10/29/2004 9:14:51 AM Pacific Standard Time
From: [email protected]
As I said before, I will not give you full custody, nor primary custody. The BHUSD only requires that we have 50/50 joint physical custody, which is what I will agree to, as shown in the stipulation forms I sent you. If you want to adjust the actual days and times the boys spend with you, then let me know,
I have taken the day off from work, and I will spend it either getting these documents to BHUSD, or enrolling the boys into their new schools. It is up to you.
— Original Message —
From: [email protected]
Sent: Friday, October 29, 2004 8:48 AM
Subject: Re: Documents for the Boys Schooling
I do not agree with your papers. I see it as I have primary custody from now on, and you have 1st and 3rd weekends and those other days and vacations as were originally given to me - now become yours.
see: stipulation forms
Subj: Re: Documents for the Boys Schooling
Date: 10/29/2004 11:28:15 AM Pacific Standard Time
From: [email protected]
Let's make it easy for you. Choose one of the schedules below:
1. Monday Sam - Thursday 8pm
2. Tuesday Sam - Friday 8pm
Since you do not have a car, and the boys have activities and friends to see on the weekends, it is best that they have their weekends with me.
I will not agree to anything other than a 50/50 arrangement John. Set it through your head already and stop wasting everyone's time.
— Original Message —
From: [email protected]
Sent: Friday, October 29, 2004 11:12 AM
Subject: Re: Documents for the Boys Schooling
Fine - make it fifty fifty (Joint Custody) if you want on the forms, but I want them school days from the night before - plus my weekends and that can be confirmed on the forms also. Just make the changes - for the boy's sake - please.
Subj: Re: Documents for the Boys Schooling
Date: 10/29/2004 11:54:59 AM Pacific Standard Time
From: [email protected]
You know John, you keep talking about my vacations, child support, everything but the important matter at hand. Stick to the subject. I have to type out the docs, print 6 copies, be downtown by 1pm in order to figure out what courtroom the judge is located in, and ask him to sign the docs before I can get it filed. Court reconvenes at l:30pm -1 will have a better chance of the judge signing the docs if I am there before he starts with another case!!!!!
Stop wasting my time John. If the judge doesn't sign the docs, the boys are out of BHUSD. You DON'T have to have all school nights, nor your weekends - ALL YOU NEED IS 50% OF THE TIME. That is 84 hours a week. That is all I will agree to. Send a schedule NOW!
— Original Message —
From: [email protected]
Sent: Friday, October 29, 2004 11:40 AM
Subject: Re: Documents for the Boys Schooling
Sunday Night (pre-school night) 6:30pm until Friday Night 6:30pm + one weekend with me.
Ask anyone - their schooling matters more than your vacations.
Subj: Re: Documents for the Boys Schooling
Date: 10/29/2004 12:17:14 PM Pacific Standard Time
From: [email protected]
Fine, have it your way. You won't agree to 50/50 - then I'll be at the schools at 2pm to collect their transfer papers. You just blew it.
As for their well-being, I am the ONLY parent that has been constantly taking care of them, providing for them, and seeing to their schooling. Everyone knows that, and now everyone will know what kind of a father you really are.
— Original Message —-
From: [email protected]
Sent: Friday, October 29, 2004 12:05 PM
Subject: Re: Documents for the Boys Schooling
Sorry Holly - someone has to consider what the boys need to do well at school (50/50 and all that is totally unimportant). If I take responsibility for their schooling, and God knows they need someone to - then Sunday night through Friday night seems perfectly fair and logical to me - and probably will to a Judge as well. Make up papers saying that and I will sign them and we can get down to the real meaning of all this - doing what is best for our sons. Threatening me helps no-one.
After this email she called me and asked me if I was going to sign "her version" of a new custody agreement or not! With no choice, if I wanted to ensure my sons' gaining a good education I allowed myself to be bullied into signing the papers that she demanded I agreed to. A few days later I received the following further demands letter.
Subj: The Boys' Home Environment
Date: 11/11 /2004 6:45:04 AM Pacific Standard Time
From: hollygadow@comcastnet
Now that the boys are with you for much more time, I believe it is necessary for us to make sure they are in a healthy environment, as according to our court orders. I believe the judge told us both to insure that we each provide them with at least one bedroom for themselves. I'm assuming you did this years ago, as the orders were written over six years ago. Since you run your business from home, I would like you to insure that they are not disturbed by any business operations or conduct while they are with you. Their bedroom should allow them to have the space they need in order to do homework or enjoy some of their activities such as reading, having friends visit, and playing video games.
In addition, I would like you to provide me with some background information on your wife, Joy. I would like to know her age, where she comes from, how you two met, her family information, etc.
I would also like to remind you that the orders do state that no one should be saying any derogatory remarks to the children, about their parents. It is your job to insure this does not happen in your home. They also state that no one should be consuming any alcohol while the boys are in either home.
It would be best that you (and Joy) review the orders together. I will review the orders with the boys so they are aware of what is and isn't allowed.
Feel free to send me the information on Joy via email.