The Human Resources Audit Protecting The HR DirectorSponsor: Merit Resource GroupThe challenge faced by the Human Resources Director is one that the Chief Financial Officer avoids, by having an audit done every year, which is submitted to management and every other decision making factor of the organization and its owners for sign off. Even the Security Officer, the Environmental Director and the Chief Information Systems Officer benefit from an annual audit, whose discoveries and recommendations are then placed before top management for direction, rejection or implementation. Logically, if you discover a skeleton in the closet and ask for the tools to handle it and you get turned down - you at least gave it your professional input. To achieve this state of affairs however, the HR professional must produce an acceptable HR Audit by a respectable and accepted outside auditor, much as the CFO has his or her numbers confirmed by an outside accounting firm each year. The HR Audit provides a strategic planning tool that will allow the Chief Human Resource Officer to prioritize future actions necessary to better manage the overall function of HR. The fact is that few HR people even seek an audit, until they are facing the firing squad, the concept is that new to the profession. Now we have discovered an experienced expert organization that leads the field in the West on this subject to answer the questions of our members and guests, and this meeting will be our experimental prototype for what we hope will be a series. We suggest you book early. We expect an above average response based upon our initial sounding. Click Here For Hotel Directions
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