The Business Forum

"It is impossible for ideas to compete in the marketplace if no forum for
  their presentation is provided or available." �        �Thomas Mann, 1896

A Business Forum Round Table Luncheon
The Downtown Marriott Hotel in Los Angeles, California

Mobile & Social eCommerce

Experts Attended from: IBM Corporation & Zobrist Consulting Group

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Watch the Video ~ Social eCommerce 30mins
Watch the Video ~ Luncheon Debate  50mins

Those responding to our invitation included:

Marketing Manager - Medversant Technologies * President - AITP Los Angeles Chapter * IS Director � Famers Insurance * Professor of Information Systems - California State University, Los Angeles * Vice President Sales/Marketing Stuart F. Cooper Company * Manager Application Engineering - British Telecom * President Data Triage Technologies, Inc. * CEO - Cyvergence Corporation * Chief Technology Officer - LA County Public Health Services * CEO - 1NW Contact Inc. * IT Manager - DHX Inc * Business & Product Strategy Director * Director of Information Technology - Walt Disney Pictures Corporation * IT Manager  Transamerica Retirement Services * Quality Manager - Medversant Technologies * IT Director - Orange County Department of Education * Vice President & Group Account Director � Lagrant Comunications Inc. Director - Archdiocesan Youth Employment Services of Catholic Charities Los Angeles *  Web Marketing Specialist - Rutland Tool & Supply Company * Data Manager - Rutland Tool & Supply Company * Senior Software Architect & Technical Lead - Transamerica/AEGON * Principal - Service Computing * IS Security Officer County of Los Angeles Public Library * Director IT Systems Infrastructure - Transamerica Retirement Services

For the benefit of those of our members and supporters who could not
attend the meeting we present the following white paper, with contacts.

Social Commerce Defined

If you have a question about The Business Forum  ~  If you have a question about Social eCommerce

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