The Business Forum

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The Business Forum Journal

Author Profile - Daniel A. T. Dalton

Daniel Dalton is a Fellow of The Business Forum Institute and he became a Member of the European Parliament in January 2015, representing the West Midlands region of the United Kingdom for the Conservative Party.  For some years prior to that he was an Agriculture specialist, focused on European agricultural policy and the reform process of the Common Agriculture Policy.  Daniel is a graduate of both Coventry and Warwick Universities. For many years he managed his own sports coaching business and was a professional cricketer for Warwickshire County Cricket Club.  As an MEP Daniel is focused on ensuring the West Midlands diverse interests are represented in Brussels and in Strasbourg The West Midlands is a centre of manufacturing, as well as having a large service sector and being world famous as an area of horticultural excellence.  He sits on the Internal Markets and Consumer Protection Committee (IMCO) of the European Parliament, where he has been appointed as the Coordinator (lead negotiator) for the European Conservatives and Reformists (ECR) Group.  The focus of the IMCO committee is on creating a truly single market throughout the European Union and upon breaking down barriers to trade which many companies often experience when trading across Europe.

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Beverly Hills, California, United States of America

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