The Business Forum, Inc.   9297 Burton Way, Suite 1, Beverly Hills, California 90210 United States of America
Telephone: 310.550.1984 * Facsimile: 310.550.6121 *  Email: [email protected] *  Internet Web Site:


 We confirm our agreement to hold one (1) Business Forum luncheon at a location and date listed herein on a subject to be decided, for ________________________________ (hereinafter referred to as the Sponsor):

Ø       The Business Forum Inc.  (hereinafter referred to as TBFI) will access its database to invite guests to the forum(s) herein listed, according to the Sponsor’s qualifications;

Ø       TBFI will develop a private qualified invitation list based on the database access herein stated;

Ø       TBFI will provide to the sponsor the service of inclusion in the assembled invitation list(s) herein stated any specific names as requested by the sponsor herein named.

Ø       TBFI shall use it’s best efforts to assemble attendees who shall be qualified decision makers pre-screened by TBFI according to the “qualification” terms set herein.  The Sponsor agrees that qualified decision makers (as set herein) may send a suitable representative to attend in their place if they are unable to attend themselves.

Ø       The meeting event will be included in any Business Forum Report & Calendar mailed to our members and other important contacts prior to the meeting.  TBFI will manage all organization details related to the mailing of invitations, hotel room booking, hotel instructions and other related details (except as stated herein).  TBFI will also provide a moderator for the meeting(s).   TBFI will instruct the Hotel on all organization details.

Ø       TBFI will forward to the Sponsor records of all invitation responses in these three (3) categories:  (1) actual meeting attendees; (2) those who placed reservations but were unable to attend; and (3) those who requested further information.

Ø       Fees:  The Sponsor shall pre-pay to “The Business Forum Inc.” forty-five (45) days prior to the event date a Total Organization Fee of Five Thousand ($5,000.00) dollars).  The Sponsor will also reimburse all hotel-related costs directly with the Hotel involved, including all guest parking and audio visual rental costs. 

Ø       Cancellations:  As all meetings held by TBFI are planned as part of a coordinated calendar, no meeting may be cancelled with less than 60 days notice.  A 50% cancellation fee will be applied to all contracted dates cancelled.

Ø       As was verbally explained, the meeting(s) is for the discussion, debate, and exchange of ideas as related to the “subject” described herein only, and any communication to the contrary (as perceived by TBFI) will be disallowed.  TBFI makes no guarantee on the actual number of meeting attendees and cannot be held responsible for any emergencies, accidents or acts of nature, which may prevent a guest or guests from attending the meeting(s).

Ø       The Sponsor understands and agrees to all terms as stated herein and that this is the only agreement by and between the Sponsor and TBFI.  Any follow-up contact made by the Sponsor shall be independent of TBFI.

Ø       TBFI may arrange for the Luncheon debate to be recorded on audiotape by a professional recording Engineer.  Copies of this recording will be offered at a nominal cost on TBFI’s web site after the meeting has been held.

Ø       TBFI may also arrange for the Luncheon debate to be photographed and will create a page on it’s web site incorporating the photograph and a list (by Organization & title) of the attendees.

Ø       The Sponsor may provide a suitable academic White Paper to be placed upon TBFI’s web site, incorporating a link to the Sponsor’s web site, should they so wish.



The Business Forum, Inc.   9297 Burton Way, Suite 1, Beverly Hills, California 90210 United States of America
Telephone: 310.550.1984 * Facsimile: 310.550.6121 *  Email: [email protected] *  Internet Web Site:

1.         Date and Location to:                                                                                                                         

2.         Speaker(s) Name(s)                                                                 Telephone                   Fax                             


            Complete Address:                                                                                                                              


3.         Sponsor’s Topic Title:                                                                                                                         

4.         Word Processing Program:                                                                                                                  

            Version:                                                                                     Disk Size:                                         

5.                  Person to Send All Information To (fill only if different from contract name):

            Name:                                                                                      Phone:                                                 

            Address:                                                                                  Fax:                                                     

            City:                                                                                         State:                Zip:                              

Signing for                                                             


Name:                                                                                                    Date:                                                 

Signing for The Business Forum:                                                                                                                      

The Business Forum, Inc.   9297 Burton Way, Suite 1, Beverly Hills, California 90210 United States of America
Telephone: 310.550.1984 * Facsimile: 310.550.6121 *  Email: [email protected] *  Internet Web Site:




One (1) Business Forum Luncheon Debate meeting to be held on the following date at the following location:

Date and location to be decided

The Sponsor shall pre-pay to “The Business Forum Inc.” forty-five (45) days prior to the event date(s) a Total Organization Fee of Five Thousand ($ 5,000.00) dollars per event

The Sponsor will also reimburse all hotel-related costs directly with the Hotel(s) involved.  TBFI will instruct the Hotel to send the Sponsor the menus, and will instruct the Hotel on all other organization details.


As all meetings held by TBFI are planned as part of a coordinated calendar, no meeting may be cancelled with less than 60 days notice.  A 50% cancellation fee will be applied to all contracted dates cancelled.


All terms and conditions of your contract apply.

Invoice payment terms are as follows:  due 45 days prior to first event date.

FEE FOR THIS PROGRAM:                                                                           $5,000.00

TOTAL PROGRAM FEE:                                                                            $ 5,000.00

Please make your check payable to The Business Forum Inc. Corporation Tax ID # 95-3988237


The Business Forum Inc. (TBFI) is dedicated to assisting the Business Community of the Pacific States of America and is an independent organization without political, religious or any other binding interest.  TBFI has as it’s objective the bringing together of supplier and end-user or decision-maker, in a non-sales situation where they may discuss shared objectives and concerns for the introduction of new technologies, products, information and services for the betterment of individual understanding and for overall business efficiency.

We believe that identifying expert suppliers of services, products, information or technology, who can then meet with a group of decision makers responsible for the introduction of such expertise into their organizations, can only benefit those who participate, provided that the information and expert opinion are taken to be the prime consideration during any discussion, debate or presentation.

We understand that our sponsors are of course seeking to improve the market acceptance of what they are offering for sale, whereas the guests wish to improve their knowledge and ask questions relative to their individual needs and concerns.  Everyone benefits from hearing the needs and concern of other guests, and during this exchange the sponsor has the opportunity to conduct very personal and high level market research and to explain in an open conversational manner what they are presenting to the decision makers assembled.

There are few, if any, organizations that are able to do what TBFI does consistently and successfully every month throughout the Pacific States of America.  Therefore, abiding by this understanding is essential to ensure the continuation of our reputation and the benefits enjoyed on an ongoing basis by all of our sponsors and guests.  When the speaker/expert enters the room for a Business Forum, he or she is meeting a group where the overwhelming majority of those present will be pre-qualified decision makers, therefore we insist upon strict adherence to the rules we have developed.  These rules are standard and have proven beneficial to our sponsors, members and guest over the years, in many meetings on an on-going basis with The Business Forum.

1.    Guests are invited to attend at no cost and no obligation whatsoever, but must give two business     cards to the moderator before the meeting.

2.    Parking will only be validated at the close of the meeting.

3.      Everyone agrees to behave in a civilized manner, not to interrupt while someone else is talking, refrain  from any sort of profanity and obey the directions of the moderator at all times.  Anyone who wishes to comment should inform the moderator by lifting their hand and they will be the next speaker.  The moderator may ask someone (expert or guest) to stop speaking surrender the conversation to someone else, at any time.

4.      No selling of any kind by either the guests, the speakers or the sponsor, is allowed during the meeting.  Presentation materials from the sponsor may be placed in the meeting room, however no guest is obligated to take these materials, nor may materials be handed out during the meeting, without the prior public agreement of the moderator.  

5.    The dessert shall be very rich and preferably chocolate.

For the benefit of all our sponsors, members and guests, it is essential that all of our speakers understand and agree to these rules from the outset.  Speakers should sign this page and return it to The Business Forum Inc. with the signed contract to ensure that there is no misunderstanding whatsoever.

Signed:                                                                                                    Date:                                                   

Please Print Name                                                                                           Title