The Business Forum, Inc.

"It is impossible for ideas to compete in the marketplace if no forum for
 their presentation is provided or available."     -     Thomas Mann, 1896


Adjusting Technology Management
to Cope with Change and Crisis

A Business Forum Panel Luncheon

To be held on

Wednesday, January 16th, 2002


The Los Angeles Marriott Hotel from 11:45am to 1:30pm

Sponsored by

  The Federal Bureau of Investigation, Alliance Integration, Compel,
DuMonde Solutions, Law Office of James D. Beirne, One Community
Paul Minton, Polak International, Vision Consulting and WorldFree

Panel Debate LuncheonsThe Business Forum is going to organize a Panel Debate Luncheon in Los Angeles (similar to those pictured here from past events) to allow decision makers (Vice President, Director, Officer level in Information Technology, HR, Finance, Security and Operations) in larger firms and organizations to pose questions to a panel of experts and to be able to join in an open debate to consider how management's goals, needs, obligations and tasks have changed from just a year ago.  The Stock Market collapse this year, a shrinking Global Economy, the Recession accompanied by actual deflation in the American Economy not seen in twenty years, and now terrorist attacks on the home soil of America have changed everything from just 12 months ago and management is undeniably faced with new demands.

Technology fueled the growth of the American and Global Economy and changed the way we manage from what we faced twenty years ago, and only by reevaluating how to use and apply technology can we be sure of growing out of the present situation fast enough to put the overall global economy back on track.

The Concept we have accepted is that the needs of management have changed from what they have been for more than two decades, due to the downturn of the Stock Market, changes in employment procedures, the impact of deflation, the War on Terrorism and the Recession.  When the pundits stated that 9/11 changed everything, they were probably more right than even they realized at the time they said it, although we were already six months into the development of the present recession when it happened.  Managing an organization during a crisis obviously needs different answers to managing an organization in a growth economy, which is what we have all enjoyed for the last twenty years; in fact many of our younger managers have never experienced that which they now find themselves embroiled in on a day-to-day basis.  Therefore, we believe, and our members are continuously informing us,  that most senior decision makers would welcome the chance to take part in such a debate about technology, new methods and reevaluation of business processes at this time.

Expert Panel Participants:  We have assembled a panel of experts to answer the questions of our members and guests on how technology can be used to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of:

Communications Networks – Disaster Management & Business Continuity - Employee Communication - Crisis Management -  Personality Profiling - Technology Implementation - International Human Resources - Security Management (personal, electronic and facilities) - Strategic Economic Modeling - Multinational Tech Sourcing - Web Growth Management. 

We have obtained the promises of The Federal Bureau of Investigation, Alliance Integration, Compel, DuMonde Solutions, Law Office of James D. Beirne, One Community, Paul Minton, Polak International, Vision Consulting and WorldFree to provide us with experts to join the panel.

As our guest you will of course, attend “at no cost and with no obligation whatsoever placed upon you for attending”.  We will also cover valet parking costs and provide each guest with a five star, three course luncheon.

Panel Debate LuncheonsMost business advances and opportunities begin with a relationship. We believe that this event will benefit everyone involved, by bringing together experts and senior decision makers, which of course we have been doing for twenty years for some of the most respected organizations in the world, from the Business Council of the United Nations to Microsoft, from NASA to IBM, Northrop Grumman to the California Office of Strategic Technology, etc. etc.

You can call for further information at: 310-550-1984 or Email us at: [email protected]

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Luncheon Discussion please register below and we shall keep you informed:

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The Business Forum, Inc.

9297 Burton Way, Suite 100
Beverly Hills, CA 90210
Tel: 310-550-1984 Fax: 310-550-6121
[email protected]
