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The Business Forum Journal


Author Profile - Janie Telischak

Janie Telischak’s career encompasses all aspects of training and facilitation - from design & development to delivery.  She has managed training organizations responsible for design and implementation of programs for customers, sales representatives and management.  Since 1994, Janie’s work has focused on curricula development and delivery for quality and management training.  Her work included the technical aspects of quality such as process improvement, cycle time and problem solving.  She also has considerable experience working with management teams to facilitate strategic planning, transformational change and 360 feedback.

Janie’s 18 year career with Xerox provided her with an excellent background.  Ms. Telischak was part of the Xerox corporate team responsible for the TQM landmark program called “Leadership Through Quality.”  Additionally she has developed and delivered award-winning courses in benchmarking, business process management, cycle time reduction and root cause analysis.  Janie Telischak has academic credentials from University of California, Stanford University, Yale University, and Universite de Bordeaux.  Ms. Telischak is an independent consultant.

This issue article by Janie Telischak

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