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The Business Forum Journal


Author Profile - Patricia Dodgen

Patricia Dodgen is a Fellow of The Business Forum Association.  Patti holds a BS, Financial Management (Cum Laude), Clemson University, 1977 and has broad experience as a senior executive in financial, technical, and operational management for various industries. She has specialized consulting experience in the telecommunications, broadcasting, print media, and computer technology fields. Currently, Patti is working on a national project to redesign the fundraising activities of a major non-profit client. Within the scope of this project she has literally created a completely new approach for fundraising for this industry. She conceived of and built the business plan and financial models for a revolutionary joint venture in fundraising. Additionally, she is evolving her methods and tools to create a system of applied benchmarks for an entire industry sector. 

Since co-founding Transformations Consulting Group in 1993, she has utilized her knowledge to develop the tools and methods to help organizations effectively manage the complex process of change for her clients. By utilizing her approaches, TCG's clients in the profit and non-profit sectors have learned how to navigate these changes by applying Transformations' techniques as the rudder. Working with clients including PBS (the Public Broadcasting Service), Gannett Publishing, the US Department of Justice, and the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, Patti used her extensive knowledge to create initiatives and programs to solve complex business problems. Her solutions mitigate conflicting organizational needs to creatively find "win-win-win" solutions for her clients. By utilizing sensitive, yet objective measurement techniques with customized and strategic criteria for success, Patti's solutions have yielded positive financial results in the millions of dollars for her clients. 

Her approach to business strategy and development evolved during her years with Dun & Bradstreet as a senior business analyst and with Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC), where she was a senior financial manager. At Dun & Bradstreet, Patti had the opportunity to closely examine and analyze the financial and operational successes and failures of a vast assortment of businesses of varying size within many industries. As a key senior analyst, she investigated, analyzed and developed conclusive responses to business questions for firms such as RJ Reynolds, Belk Store Services, Nucor and Bernhardt Industries. 

While with DEC, Patti's primary focus was on designing financial systems and tools to provide critical and time sensitive information to field management. This information was fundamentally important in allowing management to make key competitive and tactical decisions quickly and accurately. Through this experience in the highly volatile computer industry, Patti developed the financial methodologies and models that are the foundation of Transformations' consulting approach. 

Patti is a frequent speaker at national conferences on the topics of complex change management, strategic positioning and "managing by the numbers". 

This issue article by Patricia Dodgen

Traditional Due Diligence is Not Enough

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