The Business Forum

"It is impossible for ideas to compete in the marketplace if no forum for
 their presentation is provided or available"     -      Thomas Mann, 1896

Los Angeles, California
Thursday, September 5th, 2002 
- 11:45am to 1:30pm

 This will be a Round Table Luncheon Meeting

Integrating Systems, Clients & Suppliers
What nobody tells you - and why most EAI projects fail.

 Sponsor:  eBI Solutions, LLC

exterior photo of the Wilshire Grand   The Wilshire Grand Hotel 

     930 Wilshire Boulevard, Los Angeles, California 90017

     Driving Instructions to The Wilshire Grand Hotel

More important in a competitive economy than in one that is bouncing along on a backlog of orders, is the need to give decision makers complete understanding of the state of the organization at any one moment in time.  It would be fair to say that effective management and efficiency have never been more important in more than twenty years, than they are right now! 

What this really means is that organizations that have fully integrated all of their different systems, trading partners and customers, knowing that they are a critical aspect of doing business into today's economy, stand far more chance of surviving the storm, even building market share, than those who have not yet done so.  Most organizations of course realize that integrating systems is the key to achieving a level of excellence in the customer service department, and in automating transactions and business processes, and that they will improve efficiency and achieve the returns necessary to stay competitive - yet many will tell you confidentially that they could do much better.  In fact, more than 50% of all EAI projects fail, and many more just do not deliver the benefits expected...

Cynically, it is fair to say that many vendors, as well as the marketers of the numerous products on the marketplace, tend to want us believe they can address all integration needs -- and that it will be quick, painless and the risks are low.

The reality however, is that Return On Investment is difficult to determine and even harder to realize.  Integration projects are by their nature complex, the risks are high, and it requires a high level of commitment from all levels in the organization to make the process produce a satisfactory outcome.  The fact is that no single one of today's integration products can possibly address all of your specific business needs, or work on every platform and with every system. 

So we decided to hold a Forum where we can discuss the realities of integration and how to face the inevitable: the next integration project.  We will also discuss how to uncover and face the risks involved, how to manage them, what it takes to plan well, and possibly most important of all, how to determine short and long-term needs.  With the input of other professional guests we shall hopefully arrive at a conclusion on how to select the appropriate technology based on stated needs, and how to ensure that your ROI does not slip away from you.  Little things like how to stay on budget and not lose sight of the fact that the process is to allow an organization to take its business to the next level and whether timetables can be trusted for implementation should also come up.

There is of course no cost and no obligation whatsoever placed upon
our guests by attending and even their valet parking will be paid.


Registration Form


Your Name:
Your Title:
Your Company:
Your Address:
City, State & Zip Code:
Your Phone:
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Your E-Mail:
What is your business:
Number of Employees:
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Reply: (Choose an Answer)

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