The Business Forum

"It is impossible for ideas to compete in the marketplace if no forum for
 their presentation is provided or available"     -      Thomas Mann, 1896

A Business Forum Panel Discussion Luncheon

Los Angeles, California

Thursday, April 15th, 2004  - 11:45am to 1:30pm

The Technocrat Enterprise

Enterprise Integration, Networks, Productivity, Security, Internet Marketing, etc.

With a Panel of Experts from the following Organizations:

Bruce Clay LLC - Candle Corporation - Intel Corporation CCHKnowledgepoint Inc. - FrontBridge Inc.

No Cost, No Obligation, No Slide Shows, No Sales - just a 5-Star lunch with your peers!

exterior photo of the Wilshire Grand     The Wilshire Grand Hotel
      Click on Picture of Hotel for details

     The Los Angeles Room
      930 Wilshire Boulevard, Los Angeles, California


When The Business Forum began in 1982 no-one could have predicted just how much the new Information Systems being introduced back then would change how business was done in just twenty years.  There were no CIO's as a profession in those days and most of the meetings we organized on the subject were devoted to how to increase the efficiency of mainframe computers. Today there are very few people who could complete their work without the benefit of access to a computer, whether they are waiting tables or performing heart surgery - today everyone is wired!

The motto of The Business Forum - "It is impossible for ideas to compete in the marketplace if no forum for their presentation is provided or available"  - Thomas Mann, 1896 - has never been truer than it is today with regards to information technology, which is why we are organizing this series of meetings.  Our intention is that these forums will give senior decision makers a chance to meet with their peers from a variety of corporations, government and academia to pontificate on the state of the industry and voice their opinion on what is needed to simplify the future.

Technocrats who can most efficiently and most effectively use Information Technology will be the business leaders of tomorrow and the Technocrat Enterprise will head the list of successful organizations throughout the foreseeable future. However, it is no longer just staying at forefront of technical innovation, today legislation begins to make the job harder, Sarbanes-Oxley, pending anti-Spam Laws, HIPPA and Privacy Protection demands are bringing Social Engineering into the IT work space.

To help our members and supporters we will therefore be organizing these meetings to bring together new technologies, services and products with those who need to understand and employ them to keep their organization at the forefront of the development of the profession.  As with all Business Forum meetings our guests will ask questions, and the experts we have assembled from the leading organizations in the industry will attempt to answer them.

We ask our friends and supporters who do not themselves qualify to attend this event, to forward this invitation to the relevant decision maker within their organization.

There is of course absolutely no cost and no obligation whatsoever
placed upon our guests who attend - even valet parking will be paid.


Registration Form


 Your Name:
 Your Title:
 Your Company:
 Your Address:
 City, State & Zip Code:
 Your Phone:
 Your Fax:
 Your E-Mail:
 What is your business:
 Number of Employees:
 The Luncheon will be on:

 Reply: (Choose an Answer)

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The Business Forum
9297 Burton Way, Suite 100
 Beverly Hills, CA 90210
 Tel: 310-550-1984 Fax: 310-550-6121
 [email protected]

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Panel Discussion Luncheons

Our Panel Luncheons are geared to dealing with more complicated subjects, presenting a panel of experts from a variety of disciplines to address the questions of our guests.  The guests are seated at tables that face a head table set on a raised platform.

The moderator moves around the room with a microphone allowing those guests who wish to, to pose a question to the group as a whole.