The Business Forum

"It is impossible for ideas to compete in the marketplace if no forum for
 their presentation is provided or available"     -      Thomas Mann, 1896


Maximizing Intellectual Property Thru Data Warehousing

Sponsor: Carleton Corp & Brio Technology

Data Warehousing has been bench marked as repeatedly resulting in a better than 400% Return On Investment in large and small businesses by allowing them to use data intelligently within and across the whole organization. Data Warehouses are the enabling technology that allows competitive businesses to thrive and prosper wherever information is power and where strategic advantage can be gained by maintaining state-of-the-art information technology.

The initiatives needed to support a data warehouse are usually clear to business management, but the criteria defining the proper data warehouse technology needed to deliver on the potential of intellectual capital is quite often, perhaps seldom, fully understood. This luncheon will gather senior IS professionals from our membership and from identified decision makers, to address the strategy, process and important components needed to convert the data into usable intellectual capital for senior management.

The Business Forum has therefore planned a series of luncheons to assist the senior decision makers of the Pacific States by proving a forum where the very latest techniques and technologies can be discussed by peers with two of the leading experts on the subject. This luncheon in San Francisco will be the first in this series. We aim to keep these luncheons small and reserved for senior executives only, to ensure a peer quality discussion.

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The Business Forum
9297 Burton Way, Suite 100
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  [email protected]
