The Business Forum, Inc.

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Electronic Archiving Of Drawings

Sponsor: BPS Reproductions Corporation

Converting the written word to digital data either by scanner or keyboard has been simple for many years now, allowing us to build data bases that we can search and manipulate with ease. However, it has not been so simple for those who need to store and catalogue graphic formats from paper to digital data. Architects, engineers and Facilities Managers are still having to search out paper drawings from libraries that more often resemble the archives of ancient Alexandria before they can begin their work, with all the accompanying difficulties and frustration this entails. In the case of a Public Authority, large corporation or multi-office architectural firm just finding the plans or engineering drawings can be a major headache.

The answer may well be at hand. Imagine all the drawings that make up your library of reference work transferred to catalogued and easy to search data warehouses, allowing you to merely go to a computer, enter your requirements and then watch the plan or drawing you need emerge from the printer in a matter of minutes. Imagine being able to electronically mail all the necessary drawings, (or last night's revisions), directly to another office anywhere in the world, or to an engineer in the field with the mere tough of a button. Imagine being able to locate any drawing ever produced for the project you are working on just by typing in the relevant search number and retrieving it from your data warehouse in a matter of seconds.

This forum will answer all of your questions on converting and archiving paper records to electronic data. We therefore suggest you book early - seating will be limited.

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