"It is impossible for ideas to
compete in the marketplace if no forum for
their presentation is provided or available"
- Thomas Mann, 1896
Why Sponsor A Business Forum
Understanding Who Else Does
Sponsor: The Business Forum
Sometimes you can be too close to the trees to see the forest and sometimes because it appears everyone understands the process you do not take the time to explain. In the case of The Business Forum we have recently learned that some of our members either did not understand (we had not explained it properly) or did not know the benefits that were available to them by being a sponsor rather than a guest. At this forum we will answer questions and a past sponsor will also explain what benefits are available to members from sponsoring their own forums. In fact the whole Concept of The Business Forum will be fully explained with a summary of the many and varied services, products, philosophies and ideas it has been able to assist over the last fifteen years.
Every day we get asked "Why would the likes of IBM, NASA, the FBI, the Business Council of the United Nations, the Big-6 Accounting firms, major law firms and seemingly everyone from Cisco Systems to Memco Software sponsor speakers at Business Forum Luncheons and Conferences - and why do top decision makers take time out of their busy schedules to attend? At this luncheon
discussion we will tell you - whole truth and nothing but!
The concept of using CLOSED MEETINGS for R&D; or Information Gathering will also be explained and one of our members who has used this format will explain how it can reduce the cost and time factors involved in such exercises for an organization.
We shall keep this meeting relatively small in numbers of attendees to ensure that every question is answered and all the points involved are fully explained.
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The Business Forum
9297 Burton Way, Suite 100
Beverly Hills, CA 90212
Tel: 310-550-1984 Fax: 310-550-6121
[email protected]
Webmaster: bruceclay.com