The Business Forum

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Producing Annual Budgets
An Experience Of Pain Or Profit?

Sponsor: Platinum Software Corporation

Every senior executive or department head knows the pressure created by the work intensive process of producing annual budgets and most of them will willingly attest that it is not their favorite task of the year, and few if any actually look forward to the exercise. In fact several years running now at this time of year we have been asked to organize a forum dedicated to the process, which could perhaps introduce technologies or methods which would not only make the process easier, but actually make the finished product more accurate and effective in predicting the future. To this end, we have recently come across software, designed and produced by Platinum Software Corporation, which seems to provide the answer everyone has been looking for, a standardized and relatively simple way of accomplishing the task that can be used by department heads to provide the tools every organization needs to plan for the future and provide a template for success. If in fact this software does everything that our sources have told us that it does we may be looking at a breakthrough in handling the onerous task of preparing annual budgets that we can introduce to all of our contacts in the Pacific States of America.

Obviously we encourage all our members to attend this luncheon, if they carry a responsibility for preparing annual budgets for their organization. However, if we are correct in our deductions, this is also a forum that would be of immense help to CFO's, Board Members and CIO's looking to establish a standard procedure that reduces the stress and inaccuracies much of today's budgeting is famous for.

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