The Business Forum, Inc.

"It is impossible for ideas to compete in the marketplace if no forum
for their presentation is provided or available" - Thomas Mann, 1896


The Information Paradigm

Sponsor: Brio Technology Inc. & Red Brick Systems, Inc.

In 1982, during one of our very first Forums, the concept of instantaneous access to strategic information was given as the predictable future outcome of the then developing IT industry. Since then we have presented "break through" forums on every conceivable subject that has affected the development of the Information Age. We discussed with the author of Paradigm Shift, helped launch Novell Networks and Lotus Notes, Encryption Technology and solutions for everything from viruses to hackers. We presented experts from IBM, Fujitsu, Cisco Systems, the big-6 consulting firms, and even a speaker on Computer Fraud from the FBI. In other words we have led in bringing new technology and philosophies to the decision makers in Government and Industry, so that they could discuss with their peers each of these new technology answers as they were launched into the paradigm which has become the IT profession.

Now we are bringing two companies that did not even exist while we were doing most of the above, with technologies that finally allow the real transition to that 1982 prediction of "Instantaneous Access" to information - The next paradigm shift for this young industry. No one seems to know what to call it yet, Data Warehousing, Knowledge Management and a lot of other titles for this breakthrough have been used, however, according to what we have learned talking to the best CIO's in our membership, if you work with IT this is a forum you should make sure that you are part of, and change your schedule rather than miss.

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The Business Forum, Inc.

9250 Wilshire Blvd, Suite 220
Beverly Hills, CA 90212
Tel: 310-550-1984 Fax: 310-550-6121
[email protected]
