The Business Forum

"It is impossible for ideas to compete in the marketplace if no forum for
 their presentation is provided or available"     -      Thomas Mann, 1896


Seismic Integrity & Building Risk Control

Sponsor: Peoples Associates

We live a region prone to earthquakes, they happen every day, but usually they are too small to notice. However, the Big Ones soon remind us. These days when everyone is as busy as they are, a little procrastination about something that may not happen until after the present front burner "crisis", seems logical, as we strive with the myriad tasks facing us each day. However, a little foresight and precaution might be a wise investment in the future, and might make your business continuity plan more feasible.

Accepting we are have varying risk factors, questions do exist: How do you determine your seismic vulnerabilities? How do you reach the right conclusions about how seismic vulnerabilities should be worked into your business continuity plan? How do you calculate budgets for seismic upgrades? How do you take advantage of the latest engineering and technological knowledge and incorporate it into you risk management paradigm?

Our investigations and a poll of our members suggests that this forum, as an open discussion between decision makers and experts, might go a long way to answering these questions. Obviously we will have to limit the number of reservations we can accept, to ensure an in depth and wide ranging discussion. Therefore, we advise you place your reservation early to avoid any possible disappointment.

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The Business Forum
9297 Burton Way, Suite 100
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  [email protected]
