The Business Forum

"It is impossible for ideas to compete in the marketplace if no forum for
 their presentation is provided or available"     -      Thomas Mann, 1896


Process Control & Improvement Operations, Manufacturing & Distribution

Sponsor: Cambridge Technology Partners & Peoplesoft Corporation

Automation, robotics and the application of computer technology to the business process has brought about changes that were not even dreamed of twenty five years ago, except in the minds of the most avant-garde science fiction writers. In the last quarter of the 20th Century almost every aspect of business operations, manufacturing and distribution process have changed and much of what we now consider normal, from just-in-time manufacturing to global positioning control of delivery trucks, was considered impossible not that many years ago. So how much will it change in the next 25 years? Which trends will take hold? How can I take advantage of this technology?

This discussion will examine the latest technologies and computer assisted processes, and consider which of the newer technologies will most affect us. Fully automated factories? Software which can predict every possible change every small specification change might make from a productivity or legal compliance point of view. New technologies being introduced right now, (which we shall cover) will allow you far greater control of all order entry, purchasing and scheduling procedures and bring new meaning to quality control and trend forecasting. We shall also discuss the cultural effects, even obstacles, in taking your workforce into the 21st Century. Book early, this event will fill fast and places for lunch are limited as usual.

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9297 Burton Way, Suite 100
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