The Business Forum, Inc.

"It is impossible for ideas to compete in the marketplace if no forum
for their presentation is provided or available" - Thomas Mann, 1896


Y2K Due Diligence
Auditing & Independent Verification & Validation

Sponsor: Alydaar Software Inc.

Most organizations associated with The Business Forum Association are now well down the road on their Year 2000 projects, hopefully our meetings have helped everyone, but lately we have been asked more and more about putting together a luncheon discussion covering the auditing process. This meeting will cover everything our guests and experts can come up with on checking the readiness of your systems to weather the dawn of the new millennium, without any surprise or upset to your everyday operations.

What level of protection is enough? You have fixed most of the code. The systems are "compliant" (based upon statements by your application managers). You are now starting, in the middle of, or have done the testing. But how do you maintain compliance? How do you guarantee to top management, shareholders, board members and other "stakeholders" that their investment is not at risk?

Who is comfortable and who is not, that the systems will be running strong before, during and after the 1st of January 2000. Many of our members are not leaving this issue to a complacency that "believes" that are "compliant", nor are the decision makers who hold the responsibility and liability. They are commissioning independent due diligence audits from third parties. We thought that a forum led by an expert from a company in this field might answer many of the questions now running through the busine

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The Business Forum, Inc.

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