The Business Forum

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Business Continuity Planning

Sponsors: Northrop Grumman Systems Support and HCL Technology (America) Inc.

Business Continuity Planning has achieved a far greater importance in the business community since the advent of computer technology but now, with the Year 2000 threatening to create some level of havoc to our technology based economy, it takes on even higher levels of our attention. Just the executive liability facing those who have not taken every step to protect their organization in the case of a disaster makes this forum one not to miss. We believe that this luncheon discussion will fill very quickly so we suggest you book your place as soon as possible. We guarantee you will leave with a far better understanding of Business Continuity Planning and have the tools to protect your organization in the event of a disaster, whether it is just one of Nature's wantonness or the results of a computer glitch on January 1st 2000.

Obviously there are many more potential "disasters" that could happen to an otherwise well run organization. The school shootings of recent news, worker's venting their anger against their employers, or quite simple accidents that shut down the electrical supply throughout a major city like San Francisco. Then their are chemical spills, train derailments, lightening strikes and of course, California's famous earth movements or floods. Accidents and Nature's anger will happen, but proper Business Continuity Planning can make the difference between weathering a calamity with professionalism or collapsing into an uncontrolled panic that can add to the loss, both human and property. We really suggest you make the time to attend this Forum Luncheon discussion.

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