The Business Forum

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Audit, Deployment, Management & Protection Profiling
 A Business Forum Panel Discussion Luncheon

The Westin South Coast Plaza, Costa Mesa, California

With a Panel of Experts from the following Organizations:

Guidance Software, Inc. - Intellitactics, Inc. - Northrop Grumman Information Systems
Rainbow Technology, Inc. - Siegeworks, Inc. - Solsoft, Inc. - SSP Litronic, Inc.

Those accepting our invitation included:

Automobile Club of Southern California - Manager Information Protection * Automobile Club of Southern California - Senior Information Protection Analyst * Beckman Coulter, Inc. - Information Technology Audit Manager * Beckman Coulter, Inc. - Director, Internal Audit Services * Beckman Coulter, Inc. - Senior Internal Auditor * BG International - Hedge Fund Manager * Biometrics2000 - Vice President * Bristol Fiberlite Industries, Inc. - General Manager * City of Anaheim - Information Services Manager * C J Segerstrom & Sons - Information System Director * County of Orange - Chief Information Security Officer * e-Novative, Inc. - President * Experian - Director Information Technology, Business Continuation Planning * Experian Senior Technical Consultant * FileNet Corporation - Compliance & Risk Management Officer * Garden Grove Unified School District - Director of Information Systems * Hartley & Associates - President * Hartwell Corporation - Special Assistant * IMGS � President * InSight Health Corporation Director, Risk Management * Megasys, Inc. � President * North Orange County ROP � Chief Information Officer * Orange County Department of Education Director Information Services Department * Pacific Life Insurance Company - Chief Information Security Officer * PFF Bank & Trust - Vice President & Information Security Manager * Placentia-Yorba Linda Unified School District - WAN/LAN Specialist * Placentia-Yorba Linda Unified School District Computer Operations Supervisor * Qlogic Corporation - Director Application Development * Raytheon Company - Senior Principle Systems Engineer * Ricoh Electronics, Inc. - Administration Manager * Ricoh Electronics, Inc. - Insurance Manager * Ricoh Electronics, Inc. - Safety Manager South Coast Water District � Controller * The Goldman-Nelson Group � Managing Director * Tierra Software Development - Web Site Administrator 

For the benefit of those of our members and supporters who could not attend the meeting we present the
following white papers, with contacts who should be able to help you in your search for answers and solutions.

Better Management for Network Security
Contributed by Solsoft, Inc.

Insider Attack Detection
Contributed by: Northrop Grumman IT

Enterprise Security Management
Contributed by Intellitactics, Inc.

New Incident Response Best Practices
Contributed by: Guidance Software, Inc.

Secure Authentication
Contributed by Rainbow Technologies, Inc.

National Security Concerns
Contributed by SSP Litronic, Inc.

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