The Business Forum

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The Business Forum held a Round Table Discussion Luncheon
Information Security Group
The Millennium Biltmore Hotel in Los Angeles, California

With Experts from:  Panda Software USA Inc.


Those accepting our invitation to attend included:

Attorney at Law - Coudert Brothers LLP * Chief Privacy Officer - County of Los Angeles - Department of the Auditor Information Technology Manager - DHX Inc. * Senior Auditor - Farmers Insurance Group * President - Gordon W. Moore & Associates * Security Consulting Engineer - Infonet Services Corporation * Systems Engineer - Infonet Services Corporation * Chief Executive Officer - International Field Works, Inc. * Information Security Officer - Los Angeles County Medical Center * Information System Analyst - Los Angeles County Medical Center * Network Manager - Los Angeles County - Department of Health Services * Director, Information Technology Infrastructure Next Estate Communications Inc. * Security Manager - Paul, Hastings, Janovsky & Walker * Consultant - Synnabar Consulting * Partner - Tatum Partners * System Development Manager - The Boeing Company * Chief Information Officer - Transit Casualty Company  * Information Technology Director - Walt Disney Company * Senior Programmer Analyst - Walt Disney Company * Account Manager - Z Engineering, Inc. * Executive Director Archdiocesan Youth Employment Services of CCLA * Vice President & CISO - Emerald Management Group LLC Director, Global Security Group - Infonet Services Corporation * Auditor & Controller - Los Angeles County Director, HRIS - Nestle USA Corporation * Director, Information Technology Planning & QA - Paramount Pictures Corporation * Principal Director, Enterprise Planning & Architecture - The Aerospace Corporation * Director, Government Security - The Aerospace Corporation * Acting General Manager - City of Los Angeles - Information Technology Agency - * Chief Information Officer - Cal Air Corporation * Chief Financial Officer - The Mika Company

For the benefit of those of our members and supporters who could not
attend the meeting we present the following white papers, with contacts

Antivirus Solutions are one step behind Viruses

Contributed by Panda Software (USA), Inc.

In order to detect and eliminate new viruses, antivirus solutions usually take a reactive approach: they wait for it to appear, infecting its first computers and then they are updated to combat it as soon as possible.  Until now, antivirus protection responded quickly enough to head off new viruses before they could spread widely. For example, Panda's antivirus solutions are updated automatically via the Internet, at least once a day.  However, new viruses and intruders have recently emerged with the capacity to infect thousands of computers in a few hours, before antivirus protection can be updated to combat them. Sasser, Netsky, Mydoom or Sobig are good examples of these new generation viruses, which use new means of propagation and exploit vulnerabilities in operating systems and the most widely used software.

Dedicated Perimeter Protection Strategy

Contributed by Panda Software (USA), Inc.

Latest data indicates that one in every 204 e-mail messages contains a virus, and that 99 percent of viruses enter companies via SMTP mail or HTTP web-browsing. And its not just viruses that cause problems. In January 2003, the SQL Slammer worm hit thousands of servers around the world, exploiting a buffer overflow vulnerability and causing denial of services in SQL servers which resulted in losses estimated, according to Computer Economics, at 705 million euros. What’s more, employee productivity is being increasingly degraded not only due to the time they spend classifying and eliminating the large number of spam messages that reach their inboxes, but also due to the time they spend accessing inappropriate or unauthorized web content, which, if distributed, can damage the corporate image.

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